All TJQMBB Instructor Training Courses are delivered virtually

Easy to access, our highly interactive online training courses are a great way to learn. Delivered in a virtual classroom participants enjoy active learning through live trainer led practice. Courses taught via zoom, PST.

Evidence Based Fall Prevention

With more than 15 years of research refining the TJQMBB program, this program is one of the leading evidence based Fall Prevention programs in the world today.

TJQMBB Research Study Published JAMA Internal Medicine

In 2018 our most recent Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) was published in JAMA Internal Medicine. “Effectiveness of a Therapeutic Tai Ji Quan Intervention vs a Multimodal Exercise Intervention to Prevent Falls Among Older Adults at High Risk of Falling.” included 670 community dwelling adults age 70 and older with a history of falls or impaired mobility. Participation in TJQMBB classes 2 times a week for 24 weeks reduced falls by 58% and reduced falls by 31% when compared with Multimodel Exercise Intervention. You can access the study directly here, or head over to publications.


The Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TJQMBB) program is recognized by the CDC, Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living, and National Council on Aging as the highest tier evidence based falls prevention program.

TJQMBB is recognized by the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAAA) as an Arthritis Appropriate Evidence-based Intervention (AAEBI), Evidence-based programs that are proven to improve the quality of life for adults with arthritis.


The TJQMBB program for older adults is an enhancement of traditional Tai Chi transforming movements into therapeutic training for balance and mobility. This unique training approach is the result of years of research and community evaluation which culminated in a well organized community based program which includes an 8-form core routine, practice variations and therapeutic subroutine.  To learn more about the program and the research background click here.

community Classes and Outcomes

TJQMBB community based classes are approved for both virtual and in person delivery. The program is delivered 2 x week for 24 weeks by trained community instructors who teach class sessions from the research based TJQMBB teaching plan. Older adults who complete the classes have shown significant improvements: 58% fewer falls, 75% fewer injurious falls, improved balance and strength, decreased fear of falling, improved function in daily activities, improved global cognitive function.

BecomE a TJQMBB Instructor

To learn more about TJQMBB instructor training, please go to the Instructor menu at the top of this page and select the Instructor Course link. To register and see our course schedule please select the Register link above or use our Upcoming Courses link. If you are interested in hosting a group training, go to the instructor menu and select the group training link. Q? Email